Monday, November 30, 2009
Happy & Sad
I'm in 311+O'level's math . Happy cause i'm in the same class as my good friends execpt lynn and ger . The sad thing is that i'm in same class as some people which i really don't want . It gona be so awkward if i see her next year . Definitely not looking forward to 2010 anymore-.- Plus the class gona be so big next year and many unexpected people are in my class . Somemore so many smart people going , confirm dam hard to got top , sad . (high expectation !) I'm also afraid i might not be able to score well or even cope with O'level maths and most importantly , i took geography a sub which i failed through out the year except end of year exam , i don't know if i would regret taking it . Chai wrote me an email , about our friendship , I'm touched to receive it and i didn't know i neglected her so much , sorry i will spend more time with you next year ! The email was supposed to be make me cry but i didn't tear instead i laughed ! Her email was dam funny , but i felt really guilty leaving her out and not spending enough time for her plus i kept on psing her for other people but she was happy to have me as best friend ! (touched!!!) Spent my afternoon with Ryshire ! I miss her alot and we talked alot today about our own life (: I'm sorry "headgang's gf"HAHAHAHAHAH !!!LOVE YOU MANY !
The consignment of the goods ...
Haven't been updating . I'm just too lazy to update and i have got lots of pictures to upload to show you guys (maybe tml ?) . I cut my hand :'( ,pain. Last week i have been going out and i bought alot of things happy (: Steamboat for dinner just now . Yummy(: Took a cab to and fro to Sheng Siong to get the ingredients for the last minute steamboat cause we were lazy to walk plus its so sunny !
Okay Shall update next time .
Good Bye+Night .
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Happy birthday EMERSON ONG (:
May your wish come true (:
Grow taller(:
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Happy Birthday Yeo Yong Jin(sp?)
It's friday the 13th . Dam ,now i really believe that friday the 13th is unlucky . I started my unlucky luck since yesterday . It was raining heavily yesterday afternoon so i decided to take a cab cause i thought training was at 2 so i would be late if i take a bus . But when i reached school , i found out training was at 2.30 instead of 2 so i kind wasted my money . My morning started off with me having sore throat , i couldnt talk but after eating the bread and sweets i felt better . Training started , after few hours or maybe 1 h i injured during training . Dam ! It was so dam painful but thanks georg for getting me the packet of ice(: I finally ate subway . lol . Went town after training , bought the stuffs and went to georg's house . I left around 5plus , and you know what ? i waited outside the mac (while holding a bag filled with books which was so dam heavy!) for my parents for 40 plus minutes , so pissed off man ! Had dinner at some stupid shop , where by the food there were so yucky and it freaking cost 130$ , of course the food there dont even worth 130$ .As it was some stupid shop -.-
I will never go training , if training falls on friday the 13th . LOL!
-Shirin ,Hihi shirin ((: i miss you soso much!:(
-Aini , linked you (:
-Matthew, lol i updated alr ((:
-Ryshire, hihihihi(:
-Amanda , erm are you the sec 1 one?anyway hi (:
-ahChris , Okay ((:
-Kailee , no la , its not your fault ((:dont worry (:
-L.Ruiyi♥ , hello (: how you are?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
For the past few days i went out ! so fun (: I bought quite a number of things . What kind of school bag and shoes should i get next year ? I still dont know . I didnt go out with XL all sorry , i got training . I also want watch 2012!! I think i'm going to watch next week . Cant wait ! Gona town/somewhere with georgina tml . Oya, i need go swimming with chai !
okay , gtg . I will post more pictures!

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Bathed and took 153 .I had fun today , went to redman and bought baking stuff (: If you want bake , go RED MAN! Went out in the afternoon .
i realised all my recent post were all so short . Lol . Anyway ,I 'm tired now , going to sleep soon (:Good night people . <3>
Pizza tml !
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
okay , gtg i gona pack my stuff .:D pictures later(:
ps ; if you see someone that look like me wearing spec pls dont laugh , and yes it gona be me .
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
laugh .
edited .
I walked in the rain just now , i felt so good after that ((: i love walking in the rain (: Anyway thanks to people who tried to make me laugh though you never success(sp?) like he yao . HAHAH . but what kind of joking is that man ?
he yao :"what would 0 say to 8 if they meet ?"
my answer was: "ni hao ?"
Heyao :" no is , why you so fat , wear belt ?"
i was like -.- Not funny . But she said that its damm funny . LOL . Oya i just finished talking to Chai on the phone (: Chai is the only person that can make me laugh . The minute she pick up , i laughed non stop thought she haven said the word"hello" and she started to laugh along -.- i know we are lame but she is dam funny and i love her ((: And she couldnt stop laughing after that till i really need to hang up her call for some reason .
Chai send this thing to me . I laughed like mad(:it might not seems funny to you guys but its really dam funny to me , that is the reason why i love her so much (:
i got trick you meh...
dont put words into my mouth ok!! hahah
haha sorry.
hm nvm you're taking a long time to reply.....
i've got something to tell you
you know what........
i'm actually..
very tired..
so im going to sleep now.
forget abt saying goodnight or byebye to me
by the time you read this, im alr sleeping
so.. byebye & goodnight
im going to sleep soon
i go and sleep now, gdnight
if you cming tomorrow then text me k?
i think i suck at replying do i ? Everyone just offline without me replying them. hahhahh but its okay (:
okay i'm tired too . i am going to sleep (((((((: good night people (L)
Monday, November 2, 2009
I shall read other people's blog now / night friends(: