i had training around 11...i went to school at 10+ cause my "daddy" said that he and his friend want to play with us volley ball...but then his trainin ended late so we didn't play...today's training was quite fun...i like the part when the seniors sever (i think)the ball to us...then we have to receive the ball then the other player need to set the ball back to the person then the person need to jump and hit the ball...after training ,we went to the market and chat there...awhile later a teacher walked towards us and said that our shirt are not properly tuck ...then she waited down there for us to tuck in our shirt...then she said that our school name is wat recognise by the public or something...after we tucked in our shirt she walked off...we took a bus to queenstown mrt station...then we took a train to tiong and then we went somewhere to eat...and manager ask us write down our own orders...i was huh?!where are all the waiters and waitress...then we just er...watever...then xue li and i ordered chicken culet geraldine fish n chips...xin lin and 'xiao'sarah ordered some rice thingy...while eating we keeps on laughing like mad dogs ...oya...we also ordered a bottle of coke when we thought its was suppose to be a cup but it was like dam cheap $1 only...after eating we went to shop about then xinlin saw this chocolate mirror she like it so much...so she bought it...i shop until i forgot the time...then my mom keeps on calling me and i didnt know cause my phone was like in the bag then i cal her back she scolded me like hell...cause my father la..big mouth thinks that i went out to the bad people...then i got no mood so i took train with xue li and xin lin ...while geraldine and sarah take bus home...
thats all...i need go le...byee!!!:P
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