School was pretty fun ? HAHAH
Going around hitting one particular person ?hahah . And after school me and ryshire hit him till him bang into the Wall and with yazid's funny reaction .HAHAHHAHAH couldnt stop laughing t it man .So english paper was pretty alright except for the cloze passage:'( so scared that i might fail . Math , the class was pretty noisy idk for what reasons , no one bothered to pay a single attention to mrs lim usually when mrs lim shout or scold we would quieten down but this time round we didnt . Despite the fact that muslim are fasting . Pe FUN cause we dun haven to run anymore FINALLY . IT- thought that there were examination so didnt dare to take a step forward to the lab , the fact was there was no oral and we can walk there . So we were left with 30~45 mins of IT lesson? Physic went to the library . Then chinese level 6 . For the last 3 periods , i have been out of the class . Then training -.- .
History and (Stupid) Geography test tml plus tuition.
Sorry TTT for hitting . LOL.
You said you're not good at controlling the more naughty students which make you unable to conduct a lesson , then dont be a teacher .Coming into the class to scold instead of teaching ?
You call yourself a good teacher ?By just giving us notes? Not explaining ?Thats your so called "teaching".TO TELL YOU THE FACT YOUR TEACHING SKILLS SUCKS,as a result for MYE , only 3 passed out 41 students. Worst still the highest score is only 53?The whole class wants to take history , how pathetic? thanks to you then. No one bothers to study for your test . I used to love the subject but with your teaching skills , i hate the subject now. I want to take it next year but i am afraid that you will be my teacher . Pls , take it as i beg you . Dun teach me next year . I want that subject . Teach the lower secondary cause i think you would be able to cope with it .