Saturday, March 28, 2009
XL says:
XL says:
you know hor
XL says:
just now i went to withdraw the money
confused. says:
confused. says:
for what/1
confused. says:
fun arh ?
XL says:
then after that the machine say " thank you for banking with us" then i hear wrongly i thought is begging -.- then i laughed very loudly. then the coffee shop people look at me -.-
XL says:
cos i need to return money to my mom hahahha so fun -.-
confused. says:
confused. says:
confused. says:
confused. says:
confused. says:
confused. says:
confused. says:
XL says:
HAHAHH YA LOR YA LOR. somemore got 1 guy seating down there looking at me laughing -.-
XL says:
i suddenly say, begging then i started laughing very loudly.
confused. says:
confused. says:
XL says:
meet the principal session was boring . but at least i know which subject i wanna take next year , so from today onward , i am going to work dam hard to get those subject cause my common test result was bad , though i only failed one subject .i seriously need to get top in order to go to the better class . agrrh. stress!
mac with all of them :)))anyway , coach is so lame .HAHAH. but funny at times . We did our physical stuff in the canteen on the DIRTY floor . Ryshire will suffer on Monday .haha. anyway good luck for your competition .suppose to go sentosa with Georgina to watch the match but my mom dont allow :(my mom changed she used to let me go out but now she is like ...hates me to go out ? idk why .watever .
i will link you guys SOON . cause i am really lazy .haha
gone yes soon .that is going to happen .
Friday, March 27, 2009
- watch soccer:)
- made lots of new friends
- walk around the school.
i think i should start from this morning ...
hmmm..Art was boring need do lots of drawing .
english .no comments . got scolding?as usual .
math- hmmm. they boys were dam freaking sick can? but SHE was a little too expose too .for every single lesson she has been exposing .LOL
chemistry-almost slept but never . paid only bit of my attention to the class.
after school hawker with ann qi and emerson (irritating guy.) Waited for friend and then went to meet another friend .which i made that person to wait for so long cause the first friend made me wait so long . aiya .nvmtoo complicated . i don wanna say out their names cause i don wanna cause misunderstanding. And went back to school .Saw siling and brittany walked around the school with them . went downstairs to wait soccer :)had a great time watching it .
the score ...lai kuan 1 goal joey 1 goal jill 1 goal wani 1 goal and Val 2 goals:D total goal 6 goals.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Went to his chalet yesterday :) kinda fun. so meet geraldine at outram mrt .went to yao yang's chalet with her . stupid yao yang make me walk so far . yao yang's sister hair style is like mushroom no offence .but it look cute on her :) i used to have that hair style too. And when Yao Yang's little brother laugh , its dam funny and loud.
the boys went swimming after that . Geraldine and i went over to see . And guess what?they pushed both of us down into the pool-.-but it was rather fun:)but sad for Geraldine . her phone spoiled. cause she didn't tel the guys that her phone is inside her pocket . Mesha(sp?) she was being push down too .after few hours of swimming got up as yao yang 's dad wants him to cut the cake . after that tien teck hambali and Leon went into the toilet and they drag me in .the play with the water and awhile yao yang came in . someone knocked the door Leon open and it was yao yang's dad and he thought we were doing something funny inside .LOL they were chatting and i was busy texting .changed and walked to mac .was rather far from the chalet. but nice walking at night :)i think tien teck is funny .went back to chalet and i almost fell down and tien teck was behind me .he saw what happened , he laughed! -.- went home around 11 plus. i want to upload some pictures but lazy ...i promise i will upload some pictures soon cause i don wanna my blog to be so wordy .
i am sorry tifanis.

Monday, March 16, 2009

boring through out . and i think the guy in blue is kinda pissed with us for eating through out the whole lesson and our table is the most messy .(i show you the pictures tml) We took the biscuit like so body else is there to finish it . the only funny and fun part is the knot part? and the sufyan part. i swear sufyan is dam freaking funny today but i don know what reason ?he never been so funny .then at the last part , he was pissed and he walked off .what else took place? hmmm... i don remember anymore and i dont bother to . haha.
its pretty late now .
so people sleep :)
i am guilty .
i wanna say alot of stuff but i just cant type out now i don know why .
i am confused , disappointed with myself .i simply cant forgive myself .
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
chemistry - did one worksheet and scolding for the rest of the period
math -Mrs lim is going to be our math teacher next term!shit . Mrs lai doesn't wanna teach us anymore. i am sad cause we cant play during math lesson anymore. Mrs lai thought the lesson end at 9.45 when it is suppose to end at 10 . when she ask we all say yes :)hahs
PD-Mrs tan took us to the green house at level 4.only 10 people are allowed to enter at a time . so 10 girls went in and took a look .And when were trying to get out the time , the door was locked up using a pencil by some guys .
mother tongue- boring as usual .
literature- Mr Ben went for match:)haha but still need to do the work .i didn't complete and i just hand in . deep trouble.
English - at first was okay . but later ms lee suddenly remember of the green house thing .she starts to scold us.she scolded shirin and hazel , why didn't they stop them from doing all that . but its wasn't their fault . they didn't even know that thing happened until some people tel them . she don't even know the whole thing and scold innocent people and even make them upset .how mean can she be ?cant you just spare some thoughts for others?
training is back to boring part.
after training went to hawker with shi hui ryshire mark and shawn .laughed :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
short post.
you do even care?
i don think so .
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"BYE SUCKER !(board on the bus ) a laugh broke the silence at the bus stop.HAHAHAAH DO YOU HAVE COINS?(looking inside the wallet )I GOT COINS!(HAHHAHA) me and shire was laughing for like 2 mins?LOL
screw english and humanities paper .
i made careless mistakes for both the paper!geography and history paper was dam freaking easy IF i had studied for it. i went to sleep . i told myself that i have to wake up at 9 but what happened? i didnt i slept all the way till the next morning:'(i regretted so much .i am scared i wont be top in class:'(and i might retain .
For the first time i like P E hahas. we didnt play games we did running . i ran without stopping:)and my timing was 10 mins for 1.6km? next was chemistry English math then mother tongue lazy to elaborate on it so after all , all the lesson was pretty alright:)
different thing.watever.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
missed PE today : )))cause we need go for the health check-up was mother tongue i think guo Lao shi is actually quite nice?lol.idk.level contact was boring .oya i bang until wan .HAHAHA I SWEAR ITS dam funny la .he was turning back then i was looking back at tassem(sp?) then we bang into each other .HAHA.i did something very stupid today during recess . shall not say it. i had flu then i almost used up Joshua's tissue hahas.thanks anyway :) english lesson i didnt bring my worksheet so i need to stand while my stomach was dam painful , bear with it then next was history kinda funny?.then after school went to the canteen ate lunch .then went home .didnt wanna stay for training cause i seriously cannot stand the pain so went home alone .text _ and he say he wanna come find me at the bus stop while waiting saw syafiq aqil Abbas shahabudding,they made me laugh la!hah .they went off first then he came and he got me drink and a pack of kinda medicine sweet:))while waiting saw xxue li .talked to her and i think he heard our conversation so embarrassing!while later xue Li's bus came . she went off and he ask me that question!LOL .xue Li called me and talked awhile hang up. my bus came and he went off for his training:)
THANKS for everything:D i will TRY to finish the drink(:cause its really very very bitter.
Monday, March 2, 2009
training-celebrated coach's birthday ...
after training went holland with georgina and and chat alot:)took a cab down to bugis .and ryshire leave her hand phone inside the cab!lucky the cab is still there almost going and then we opened the door and the passage inside thought we wanna rob him or something by the way he was on the phone .HAHA.ryshire's parents fetch us to vivo.